And what you were thinking, you want to hit yor boss.

Keylogger Jaringan

Written by BUDDY on 21.51

Cain and Abel
is a Windows password recovery tool. It can recover many kinds of passwords using methods such as network packet sniffing, cracking various password hashes by using methods such as dictionary attacks, brute force and cryptanalysis attacks. Cryptanalysis attacks are done via rainbow tables which can be generated with the winrtgen.exe program provided with Cain. Cain and Abel is maintained by Massimiliano Montoro.

Some virus scanners, notably Avast! detect Cain and Abel as 'malware' "Win32:Cain-B [Tool]". It's classified in Avast! as "Other potentially dangerous program". The author, and owner of oxid.it states that his programs are not Malware. Even if Cain's install directory, as well as the word "Cain", are added to Avast's exclude list, the real-time scanner will stop Cain from functioning. The latest version of Avast no longer blocks Cain.


Simpelnya Kalo mau nyolong password, E-mail, Internet dll, di jaringan pake ni alat bisa, tapi musti hati-hati kalo ketauan bisa di SP ama bos kalo ketahuan make usernya dia, n beberapa anti Virus menganggap ini adalah malware, jadi kalo mau coba coba anti Virusnya di nonaktifkan, OK langsung Sedot yaa.....

Size : 7.89MB

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  1. 1 komentar: Responses to “ Keylogger Jaringan ”

  2. By [L]ord[Z]ibriel on 13 April 2010 pukul 12.13

    gimana cara pakainya???

    balas ke idzub_69@yahoo.com

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